
Pregnant moms should eat fish

When I was pregnant with Alex, my husband read studies saying that pregnant women needed to eat salmon. According to him, eating the equivalent of one large can of salmon a week was supposed to improve your baby’s brain development. I complied with my husband's meager request to eat more salmon. Who could really argue with wanting a smarter child? I made salmon dip and ate it on crackers during the first and second trimester. I was so sick of salmon by the third that I had to take a break.

That same information was quoted on the front page of today’s Washington Post. And just as today’s article warms against eating too much tuna, shark or swordfish (in the Middle East it was the hammour fish I couldn’t eat) due to high mercury levels, it did encourage eating salmon. Another reason to love Sweden!

As a result of my salmon eating, I have a very, very smart little boy. He could put a 48-piece puzzle together before he was two years old and can say his ABCs in both directions. Do I think it was the salmon? Who knows, but in honor of that my recipe this week is a salmon dish. If you like fish, salmon is always the best choice. Buy wild salmon and not the farm raised or you might undo all the good, they will say. But in Qatar we only had the farm raised and canned. So you do what you can.

Fish is good for your baby. Eat a good amount of the good stuff and limit the rest.

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