
One Word Only

I saw this on another mom's blog, and I actually felt compelled to do the same. Hmmmm...must be a slow day of fun news in the monkey house. The other mom did hers in one word answers. I thought I would challenge myself and do the same. It's harder than it looks.

1. Where is your cell phone?........Uncharged
2. Your significant other? ........Out
3. Your hair? ........Gross
4. Your mother? ........Fighter
5. Your father? ........Comfort
6. Your favorite time of day? ........Now
7. Your dream last night? ........Awakened
8. Your favorite drink? ........Wine
9. Your dream goal? ........Author
10. The room you’re in? ........Disgusting
11. Your ex? ........Pshaw
12. Your fear? ........Widow
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? ........Published
14. What you are not? ........Quiet
15. Your Favorite meal? ........Cheese
16. One of your wish list items? ........Camera
17. The last thing you did? ........Email
18. Where you grew up? ........Texas
19. What are you wearing? ........PJs
20. Your TV is? ........Off
21. Your pets? ........None
22. Your computer? ........Addicted
23. Your life? ........Busy
24. Your mood? ........OK
25. Missing someone? ........Yes
26. Your car? ........Grey
27. Something you’re not wearing? ........Shoes
28. Favorite store? ........Banana
29. Your summer? ........Busy
30. Your favorite colour? ........Blue
31. When is the last time you laughed? ........Today
32. When is the last time you cried? ........Blank
33. Your health? ........Good
34. Your children? ........Mine
35. Your future? ........Hopeful
36. Your beliefs? ........Faith
37. Young or old? ........Young
38. Your image? ........Classic
39. Your appearance? ........Hasty
40. Would you live your life over again knowing what you know? ........Always

Your turn! If you fill it out too, send me a link to your blog so I can read your one word answers.


3XMom said...

hmmm...cool. I think I will try this in the next week or so, thanks!

3XMom said...

hmmm...cool. I think I will try this in the next week or so, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just posted so I'll do it next week on a day that I don't have time to come up with my own ideas!

Lindsey Johnson, MS, CHES said...

I just did this survey too - lots of fun - here are my answers: http://lindseyslittlethings.blogspot.com/

3XMom said...

i did it! Thanks.
