
What I Learned from BlogHer DC

I'm totally ripping this off of Jodifur. But with some link love, hopefully she won't mind.

I spent all day yesterday at the BlogHer DC conference. I signed up for this conference for several reasons. 1) It was in town. 2) It was a networking opportunity 3) I was trying to promote Baby Bunching 4) I might learn something new. All accomplished so it was a success. Added bonus: 8-hour break from my kids.

But this one-day conference taught me a few things I didn't expect.

1. As someone who used to be tech savvy, it was reinforced that I am indeed technically challenged. In my 20s I never would have thought I would say that. New goal: get caught up!

2. I still don't get Twitter. But I'm trying. Come follow me as "babybuncher."

3. I really want an Iphone.

4. I want to blog for a living. It's a perfect mesh of my skills--journalist, PR/marketing, ranting about random things. Will someone pay me to do this, please?

5. DC Metro Moms are a fun bunch.

6. I have lost all ability to small talk. Several times I said things to people I know, and many I don't know, and I wish I could have stuck my foot in my mouth. I really must work on this. I am apologizing to Devra, Amiee, Diana, and Stacy for random stupid things I said.

7. I think I may be ready to go back to work, but only after I get back up on technology and learn to stop saying stupid things.

8. There are many amazing women out there blogging....about things other than their kids. Who knew??


ARomero said...

Get the Iphone! (-:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun in DC! I was thinking about you today and came by to see if you ever posted after the whole trip down the stairs thing. I wasn't sure how it turned out and hadn't heard from you but then I saw you had posted on BB. Isn't it nice when a random stranger worries about your alive status? Kinda creepy, I know. BTW, if you find someone to pay you to blog, tell them I want some cash too. Wouldn't that be cool?

Devra said...

If you said something stupid, I have no idea what that would be! You are charming and fabulous. Take your foot out of your mouth right now!

Unknown said...

I have to admit I was very intimidated at the beginning of BlogHer'08, I had no idea what to expect and it has been years since I attended anything like this.



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Cara Fox said...

i am jealous. i can't believe BLogHer Atlanta was cancelled. dang!

diana onorio funk said...

I can't recall a single stupid thing you said... perhaps it was because you were never able to get a word in edgewise around me, what with my own mouth spewing forth random stupidity left and right. Had a blast hanging out with you -- looking forward to chatting more at the unelection party!!

jodifur said...

of course I don't mind. Thanks for the shot out!