
The Journey to Preschool Admission: Part 1

I thought I should share this ridiculous journey on selecting preschools for my two children (almost 4 and 2 1/2) so you can really understand how crazy this all is.

SET SCENE: Both kids are currently enrolled in preschool. It is a well-known school and pretty well-regarded as far as private preschools go. (We'll call it School C.) However, there have been a few things about the school that didn't thrill us to pieces. While I understand we can't have it all, my husband did want me to investigate other options. So here it is.

SITUATION: Enrollment for most schools is imminent. Yes, that's right deadlines for September enrollment are in February. Don't even get my started on that one. With School C, I have another 2 weeks to get in my application and fees. My chances of getting in are pretty good since my kids are given priority as returning students. There is even a good chance they will get in on the same days. That is a bonus right there.

However, I'm trying to look at my kids' learning styles and match it with the right school. More to come on the schools I visit . . .Stay tuned for the list of schools.

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