
It's That Time Again: Preschool Admissions

On Monday I started getting my things in order for the new year: doctor's appointment, dentist appointment, signing Anna up for ballet and getting all my preschool application deadlines on the calendar. It's hard to think of the new school year when we just got started on this one.

This blog was super busy this time last year with my preschool application journey series. So where am I this year? Well, Alex starts kindergarten so that's one less factor to consider. This year I'm not going to have to coordinate his schedule with hers since he'll be in school all day, everyday. Crazy!

With Anna, I'm looking for a program that is five days a week, preferably in the afternoon since she's not really napping much anymore anyway. I have two schools in mind to switch her to and will use our current school as back up--IF I can get a certain teacher.

The good thing is I know both the schools and have visited them already so that should cut down on my time. I just need to get the deadlines in order and the applications filled out.

More to come.....

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